
Create Customer Record
Please do NOT create a customer record if you are currently a member or were a member previously of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.  You can use your Academy login to log into CDRNET.org to begin your specialty certification application.  If you are unsure if you have an existing customer record in our system, please contact CDR customer service at  1 (800) 877-1600 ext 5500
Contact Information
*First Name
 Middle Name
*Last Name
*Select your address type:
*Address Line 1
 Address Line 2
 Address Line 3
*State*Zip Code
*Email Address Type
*Email Address
*Phone Type
*Phone Country *Phone Number (digits only without country code)
Security Questions (these responses are used to confirm your identity by our customer service representatives or in the forgot password functionality) 
*Your Mother's maiden name*Your birthday
*Web password
(minimum 6 characters)
*Reenter your password
Note:  Upon sucessful creation of your customer record, you will receive an email with your web login.  CDR will assign you with a registration ID number that will be your web login.  Please use that in addtition to the web password you selected above to log into CDRNET.org to begin your specialty certification application process.
*required STDRENTRYDReturn to CDRNET.org